Event, Happening 16 Sep

RA Awareness Week 2024

This year, RA Awareness Week will be held the week of 16-22nd September.
16 Sep 2024

This year for RAAW 2024 (16-22 September) the theme is #STOPtheStereotype focusing on dispelling the frustrating stereotypes that surround this incurable, invisible condition. The 450,000 people living in the UK with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) face people making assumptions about their condition, hearing comments along the lines of “you look fine how can you be unwell?’, ‘you are far too young to have arthritis’, ‘It’s just your joints getting old?’ amongst many others.

We want people to test their preconceptions about RA, and in turn by sharing the quiz can help educate people and spread awareness on this condition that affects 1% of the population, yet is still so misunderstood.

Take part in the #STOPtheStereotype quiz, and you can also enter our free prize draw* for one of 4 £50 Love2Shop vouchers!

Time to stop the stereotypes – and take part.

If you have any problems accessing or submitting your quiz answers, please email us at marketing@nras.org.uk or give our friendly team a call 01628 823 524 (opt 2).

*Prize draw T&C’s.

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