Eastbourne – R.A.S.C.A.L.S (Non-NRAS group)

R.A.S.C.A.L.S was founded in 1993, the aim being to support, share, and understand the disease and its effects.

We are a self-help group, and the benefits gained from meeting others who suffer from R.A. are extremely worthwhile and many friendships have been formed amongst members.

Monthly gatherings are held on Thursday afternoons at St Wilfrids Church Hall, Pevensey Bay.

Membership fees are minimal and paid annually which includes a cup of tea, coffee and biscuits. We have occasional speakers, but have found members far prefer social afternoons, mingling and chatting over a cuppa is extremely enjoyable, and can make such a difference to how one may have been feeling on arrival. Coffee mornings, lunches and cream teas have proved extremely popular too.

For further information please contact group Chairman, Tina Whitmore on tinawhitmore.rascals@gmail.com or go to their Facebook page.