Oxford NRAS Group

My name is Sue Thwaite, I have lived with an aggressive RA condition since my diagnosis at the age of 27 in 1982 and I co-ordinate the Oxford Group.  We have been running since May 2009, originally in person at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre where we received tremendous support from the Rheumatology Team. Since Covid, we have transferred to Zoom with a flexible programme to fit in with speaker availability.

The Oxford group is generally focussed on the expertise we are lucky to have in the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre and our talks aim to help in strengthening your understanding of how RA presents and in finding managing techniques for your symptoms.  This is greatly supported by important NRAS resources to supplement our care package, as self-management is becoming ever more important.  Friends and family are also welcome to our meetings to gain better understanding of the disease, so they know how to give you support when newly diagnosed and when you are struggling.

For more information regarding the group, email: nrasoxford@nras.org.uk or call NRAS and your details will be passed to the organiser.

Please visit our Events section for the most up to date information on all our local group events.