
Living with RA Service


What is the Living with RA service?

Living with RA is a new service that has been developed by NRAS to support a range of HCPs working with patients who have been living with RA for a period of time.

(Newly diagnosed RA patients can be referred to the New2RA Right Start Service)

Getting the right, supportive help can enable people to make adjustments to behaviour, lifestyle and health beliefs and understand why self-management is important and how to make those important steps to manage their disease effectively.

By referring patients to the NRAS Living with RA service, you will be sign-posting them to friendly, empathetic, expert staff, tailored support that is evidence-based and peer support at an individual and/ or community level.

How will it benefit my RA Patients?

In referring patients with RA to the Living with RA service, they will:

– Better understand what RA is
– Know how it can affect them
– Get the right support
– Feel more in control
– Get a tailored pack of information that meets their personal needs
– Talk to a like-minded person who has lived with RA
– Have ongoing access to an independent support network

How do I refer my patients?

Step 1: Refer your patient(s) to the Living with RA service by clicking on the button below. Fill in a simple referral form and press ‘submit’
Step 2: Your patient will be contacted by NRAS and a phone call will be scheduled between the patient and our trained Helpline Team.
Step 3: The Helpline Team will speak to your patient and talk through everything that is concerning them, providing explanation about medications, the disease, and whatever else they wish to discuss. At the end of the call, your patient will be sent a customised pack of information relevant to their specific needs
Step 4: Your patient will be asked if they wish to speak to others with RA (more info).

How do I refer my patients?

Step 1: Refer your patient(s) to the Living with RA service by clicking on the button below. Fill in a simple referral form and press ‘submit’
Step 2: Your patient will be contacted by NRAS and a phone call will be scheduled between the patient and our trained Helpline Team.
Step 3: The Helpline Team will speak to your patient and talk through everything that is concerning them, providing explanation about medications, the disease, and whatever else they wish to discuss. At the end of the call, your patient will be sent a customised pack of information relevant to their specific needs
Step 4: Your patient will be asked if they wish to speak to others with RA (more info).

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