NRAS at the BSR Conference 2023

Blog by Tim Chaplin

Exhibit floor at BSR 2023
Snapshot of the exhibit floor at BSR 2023

At the end of April, I attended my first British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) Conference. For those of you who are unaware, the BSR is a professional membership organisation for healthcare professionals involved in the treatment and management of rheumatological diseases in the United Kingdom.

The conference itself provides a platform for rheumatology professionals to exchange knowledge, discuss research findings, and share best practices in the field of rheumatology under one roof over a 3-day period. This year, it was held in the fantastic Manchester Central Convention Complex, right in the heart of the city.

From a personal perspective and slowly approaching my first full year since joining NRAS, it was an opportunity to meet with those Health Professionals (HP’s) who have been championing NRAS and all our services over the past 20 plus years. It was also a great opportunity to learn more about rheumatology as a whole and hear keynote speakers share updates on the latest rheumatology research and its implementation.

As with most years, NRAS had a stand at the conference which gave us a great hub to meet people and speak about some of the work we are most proud of. Our focus this year was on SMILE-RA and showing what a powerful online education tool it is, helping HP’s to educate their patients.

We also were given a fantastic pledge by our partners at Medac, who sponsored our #TIMEtoSMILE selfie frame, donating £5 for every selfie shared on social media so thank you to everyone who helped make that possible and came over for a photo on the exhibit floor!

With this being my first BSR event, this was an experience which I thoroughly enjoyed and got so much from. I was amazed to see how NRAS is held in such high regard within the rheumatology space and am very proud to be a part of that!

Did you miss our coverage on BSR this year? Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more up to date content and our best takeaways from the conference coming soon!