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News, 17 Oct Wellbeing and Activity Behaviours in RA Survey Different types of physical activity are positively associated with indicators of mental health and psychological wellbeing in RA during COVID-19.
News, 11 Oct Help others like Hayley by supporting NRAS today “I couldn’t stand or walk for days, do any household chores or sleep because of the excruciating pain at night from flare-ups.” For thousands of people living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the UK, this is their painful reality. At NRAS, we’re committed to providing much-needed support, information and advocacy for all those living with […]
News, 05 Sep NRAS has been selected to take part in the BBC Radio 4 Appeal this month We are so pleased to share with you that Kirsty Young, who presented the BBC Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs programme and more recently was the principal anchor in the coverage of the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, is supporting NRAS in our BBC Radio 4 charity Appeal. As Kirsty is someone who was diagnosed […]
News, 04 Sep There’s nothing sweeter than leaving a gift to future generations This week NRAS is celebrating the importance of gifts in Wills to raise awareness of the positive impact they have on charities. Leaving a gift in your Will is a very personal way to help NRAS as you’ll be enabling the development and delivery of our vital services for the future generations living with rheumatoid […]
News, 30 Aug Updated: Autumn 2023 Covid booster vaccine programme The UK government has accepted advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), which advises that for the 2023 autumn booster programme, the following groups should be offered a COVID-19 vaccine from 11 September: Full details can be seen on the links below: For information on the latest COVID-19 information and on variants […]
News, 25 Aug Changes to the NHS Shingles Vaccine Programme From September 1st, more people will be eligible for the NHS shingles vaccine. Previously the shingles vaccine programme was limited to those aged 70 – 79, but from September 2023 eligibility will be extended to include those who turn 65 or who are aged 50 or over and have a severely weakened immune system. The […]
News, 01 Aug Reducing the risk of vulnerable groups contracting listeriosis The risk assessment found that while the risk of contracting listeriosis in higher risk individuals from cold-smoked fish is low, the severity of the illness is high, with the potential for severe illness, hospitalisation, and death among higher risk groups. As a result, we are advising pregnant women and those with weakened immune systems (people […]
News, 01 Aug Outcome set: pregnancy with multiple conditions This study is about the development of a core outcome set for studies of pregnant women with multiple long-term conditions and is just one element of the MuM PreDiCT study. Mum PreDiCT are developing a project to study and improve maternity care for women who are also managing two or more long-term health conditions. These can be both physical conditions, such as […]
News, 30 Jun Our NEW Exercise module has launched on SMILE-RA! We are very excited to announce that our long awaited SMILE-RA module on the Importance of Physical Activity and Exercise has launched! Learn about the science, the benefits and some of the myths about exercising with rheumatoid arthritis. If you have any difficulty getting motivated and need help to get started this module is perfect […]
News, 28 Jun Changes in the way to access COVID-19 treatments Following a recent release of information from NHS England there has now been an update regarding the changes in accessing COVID treatments. From the 27th June, if you test positive for COVID-19, then you will no longer be contacted to arrange treatment. You will need to contact your GP, hospital specialist or NHS 111 for […]
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