Supported self-management
For people living with rheumatoid arthritis (and other long-term conditions), an important aspect of care is the ability to understand the disease and deal with the practical, physical and psychological impacts that come along with it. Whilst medications to treat RA are an essential component of care, so is giving people the tools and sign-posting them to good sources of support to enable them to learn how to self-manage their condition.
There is a great deal of evidence to show that being a good self-manager and being knowledgeable about your disease can improve your long-term outcomes and help you to experience a better quality of life.
Find out, here in this section, about all the great NRAS self-management educational and supportive resources and services that are available to help you!

Hear from NRAS National Patient Champion, Ailsa Bosworth MBE, why learning about your RA and how to become good at self-managing your disease, with the right support at the right time, is so important. Ailsa explains what supported self-management is all about and how SMILE, launched on 17 September 2021, can help you and what she does to keep herself as well as possible.
The importance of Self-management
SMILE-RA (Self-Management Individualised Learning Environment)
NRAS proudly launched their new e-learning programme – SMILE-RA – during RA Awareness Week 2021. SMILE is a unique and engaging e-learning experience for people with RA who want to learn more about RA, its treatments and how to become good at self-managing, and their families who want to understand how best to support their loved one. It will also be a useful resource for health professionals, new into rheumatology, who want to learn more about this complex autoimmune disease, how it is managed and the importance of self-management for their patients.

Right Start
Right Start supports people living with RA to understand their diagnosis and how it is likely to affect them. Getting the right support can help people to make adjustments to behaviour, lifestyle and health beliefs and understand why supported self-management is important and how to make those important first steps to managing their disease effectively.
NRAS will provide rapid access to support and information to help you deal with your diagnosis and manage your condition in 4 easy steps. On receipt of your referral, a member of our team will contact you to arrange a call for up to an hour with our trained Helpline Team and explain the services, information and support we can offer you. It’s an informal, friendly chat with a trained expert.
Please ask your rheumatology team to refer you to this service via the refer a patient link. At this time only a healthcare professional can refer you to this service.

Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
You may have heard about a new kind of outpatient follow up pathway called ‘Patient Initiated Follow Up’, PIFU for short, or there are other ways of describing this kind of follow up such as ‘Direct Access’ or ‘Patient Initiated Return’ (PIR for short). These new pathways which put the patient in control of when they see their team rather than having automatic ‘fixed’ appointments given by your rheumatology team every 6 or 9 months or so, are starting to be more widely introduced in rheumatology and all other specialties.
Read more
EULAR recommendations
In June 2021, EULAR published “Recommendations for the implementation of self-management strategies in patients with inflammatory arthritis” and a second paper associated with this work entitled: “Effectiveness of self-management interventions in inflammatory arthritis: a systematic review informing the 2021 EULAR recommendations for the implementation of self-management strategies in patients with inflammatory arthritis”.
Read EULAR papers
Other Self-management resources you can explore on the NRAS website include:
Web Link
We have a wide range of publications which you can download or order in hard copy →
Web Link
We have community groups around the UK where you can find local support and hear from expert speakers on different topics of interest →
Web Link
We have an online community of people with RA (accessible 24/7) who can provide support and share their experiences →
Web Link
Our national helpline is available Monday – Friday 09.30 – 4.30 – speak to our wonderful, empathetic, trained helpline team about whatever is concerning you →
Web Link
Here for You is our telephone peer support service. We can match you with a trained volunteer with RA who can be a vital, supportive, listening ear when you need to talk to someone who understands what you are going through first hand →
Web Link
We have a huge range of videos on many different subjects relating to RA and living with the condition available 24/7 on our YouTube Channel →
Web Link
If Facebook is your thing, join our lively Facebook Community →
Web Link
Watch our NRAS Live video events →
Web Link
Webinars – much like our Facebook Live events, we have a whole range of interesting webinars delivered by experts in rheumatology and related fields →
Web Link
Our Resource Hub is bursting with information – use the intelligent search function to find what you are looking for →
Web Link
Our news section will keep you up to date with things in the world of rheumatology and related fields →
Web Link
Sign up to one of our newsletters and always be in the know and up to date (they are free!) →
Web Link
Become a member and get our Magazine (News Rheum) 2 x a year. The magazine is full of interesting articles and features to help you find out more about RA and how to live well with it. →
Web Link
See the videos on Exercise – plenty of options for you without a scrap of lycra in sight! →
Web Link
Foot health is an area where we know people struggle to get help. Visit the Foot Health area on our website which contains comprehensive information to support your foot health needs. →
Web Link
Grab a cup of tea and watch our Foot Health on line course with Podiatrist Robert Field →
NRAS in 2023
- 0 Helpline enquiries
- 0 Publications sent out
- 0 People reached