Resource Practical help People with RA can need practical help with everyday activities. This can be through aids or gadgets, items already available or through finding new ways to do an activity. One of the major areas where practical help is needed is with computers and other electronic devices. Print Many people with RA will struggle with everyday tasks and will be forced to find new ways to be able to do them, whether it’s through buying an aid or gadget, using items already available to them or altering the way that they do an activity. Sharing ideas for how to do these everyday tasks can help to give someone with RA greater independence. One of the major areas where practical help is crucial in the modern day is with the computer. Whether using electronic devices for personal use or in the workplace, most people will need to access apps, software and the internet and this can be difficult in a condition where the hands are one of the areas most commonly affected. Thankfully, there is now a lot of help available in hardware, such as ergonomic keyboards and wrist supports and software, such as voice command software, which can help to minimise the amount of typing someone has to do.Recommended publicationsThe following four publications are a great way to start your self-management journey. They are all free to download or order. Publication Living Better with RA Publication Fatigue Matters Publication Medicines in Rheumatoid Arthritis Publication Blood Matters Further readingIf you would like more practical tips, consider the following articles: Article Useful tips There are many products available to help people with rheumatoid arthritis to go about normal day-to-day activities with less pain, exertion or strain on joints. We asked some of our Members to talk about useful products (either bought or homemade) and other innovations that they had found helpful. Article Rheumatoid arthritis & computing Many people with RA find it painful to use a standard keyboard and mouse so we have teamed up with AbilityNet to produce a factsheet that describes the steps and some of the options that can help make computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones easier to use.
Article Useful tips There are many products available to help people with rheumatoid arthritis to go about normal day-to-day activities with less pain, exertion or strain on joints. We asked some of our Members to talk about useful products (either bought or homemade) and other innovations that they had found helpful.
Article Useful tips There are many products available to help people with rheumatoid arthritis to go about normal day-to-day activities with less pain, exertion or strain on joints. We asked some of our Members to talk about useful products (either bought or homemade) and other innovations that they had found helpful.
Article Rheumatoid arthritis & computing Many people with RA find it painful to use a standard keyboard and mouse so we have teamed up with AbilityNet to produce a factsheet that describes the steps and some of the options that can help make computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones easier to use.
Article Rheumatoid arthritis & computing Many people with RA find it painful to use a standard keyboard and mouse so we have teamed up with AbilityNet to produce a factsheet that describes the steps and some of the options that can help make computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones easier to use.